Richard Rudkin is Recruiting Now!
An Independent distribution business working with Forever - The Aloe Vera Company

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We are Forever

Who we are


Richard Rudkin set up his independent distribution business, with the goal of providing an opportunity both for himself and others, to achieve more control over income and lifestyle. They do this by working under the umbrella of Forever Living Products International

We are passionate about our truly remarkable business. Take a few minutes to find out what we do, get a feel for the nature of our business, the kind of people we are and the people we are looking for.

A profession in Network Marketing as a Forever distributor can provide a unique vehicle for building a business yielding anything from a few hundred pounds a month, part-time extra income, through to total long-term financial security with an extraordinary lifestyle.

Forever rewards its Distributors well, with commissions and a percentage of all the sales generated in their businesses, paid as bonuses, royalties and overrides.

Everyone in Forever supports and endorses the statutory protection that ‘It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join a scheme. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved.’ Whilst examples of income potential are not guaranteed, they are realistic illustrations of what can be achieved with hard-work, application, discipline and a learning attitude. Network Marketing is now well respected and proving to be the profession of choice for the 21st Century.